About The demonstration

This demostration features real software running an encrypted negotiation between four parties who are interested in the esoteric and completely unknown business of stock swaps. The demonstration features data and operational software. The software fully realizes the concealed negotiation method that we call Blind Encrypted Data Matching. So you can look for and expect to find here:

  1. Bulletdata documents for the players and the broker

  2. Bulletencrypted versions of the data documents

  3. Bulletresults of BEDM in encrypted and decrypted format

  4. Bulletstep-by-step procedures

  5. Bulletexecutable software

However, this is just an initial demonstration and some parts are missing. The missing parts are essential to a finished product but they are also well-known items that don’t pertain specifically to BEDM. Consequently, the unique BEDM method is fully illustrated in the demonstration, but the demo software lacks these components expected in a finished product:

  1. BulletDistributed servers for the players and the broker. Missing parts include the hardware, local security defenses and network communication software.

  2. BulletPublic key encryption of the documents exchanged between the parties.

  3. BulletUser interfaces to make the job of running the system easy and convenient.

All of the missing components are commercially available and have been proven in earlier systems that lack the BEDM method. For this reason, we believe that a finished product can be developed from the novel BEDM method demonstrated here plus currently available commercial technology.

Plan for this Section

The broker prepares for every session in the stock swap market by publishing the rules. Each player also prepares for the session by figuring out what transactions they want to take at what price. These activities together we call the ”Preparation” and we show the preparation in the next section.

When everything is ready, the process of BEDM proceeds in a series of well-defined steps. We follow each of these steps in turn to their conclusion.

As the steps of the demonstration progress, various documents are produced. The pages we show here first discuss extracts from the documents to illustrate a point. The full document is always available by clicking on a link on the page.

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